Anyway. I love snow because growing up in San Francisco, we had two weather types: sunny and windy, or cold and foggy. There were no seasons, but I spent summers in New Mexico and so had an appreciation for what summer meant. Winter, though; I didn't understand it. I associated snow with mountain-tops; I didn't go sledding until I was eleven. Clearly, a deprived childhood. Despite that inauspicious beginning, I love winter. Something about the sharpness of the air, and the softness of the landscape, the way in the city it never gets truly dark because the snow in the air captures the streetlights. This winter has had some of the most spectacular snowfalls I've had the pleasure of seeing. Our blizzard in early December in Iowa, which caused a two day cancellation of school - and a day long closure of the freeways.
you can't actually see the foot plus on the stairs and the yard.
Plus, I love being outside in the winter. I love nordic skiing, even though I'm not so great at it. I like being able to walk on lakes, though I have a trapped-under-ice phobia. (Several friends and I were discussing irrational fears, and when I mentioned that particular phobia, it was helpfully pointed out to me that being afraid of being trapped under ice in Minnesota is not, in fact, an irrational fear. Thanks.) I like the way everyone slows down, driving or walking. I have the skills of a five-year old kid on ice skates, (that's not entirely true; I went skating with a friend, and his five-year-old sister skated circles around me) but I like skating. If I ever learn how to downhill down anything steeper than the bunny hills, I'm sure I'd love that too. Or snow-boarding. Heck, I even like walking from my apartment to class when its ten below and I'm wearing so many layers I feel like the kid from "A Christmas Story."
So, yes. I take an unholy pleasure in winter. And I read the saddest story in the newspaper the other day: from here on out, its supposed to be a warmer winter than usual.